Some background.
As many of you know, I took a trip out to NYC a few months ago which provided me the rare opportunity to reconnect with some homebrewers I haven't seen in years. Clayton (O'Douds Apothecary or formerly known as O'Douds All Natural) and I have known each other since the early years of The Pomp. We've released several collaborations together -- one of which was the first ever between O'Douds All Natural, Pomps Not Dead, and myself. It's kinda like tradition that whenever we get the chance to meet up, we make something out of it. Put two heads together and do some cool shit.
You probably already realized it after the first photo. This isn't a pomade. We couldn't justify making another pomade during this rare opportunity. Our extensive familiarity with pomades is what makes it a viable option to formulate and collaborate over emails and at a distance. But this chance to meet up and talk in-person, we felt that we had to make something new. Something different. And honestly, something that makes us a little uncomfortable.
Why a sea salt spray?
We chose it for two main reasons. The first came out of our question, "In what way can we add to the arsenal of our pomade users?" I wanted to consider how we can offer you all something that's not only different from what you have but offers a new capability for you. If you have a light hold oil-based pomade, a medium water-based pomade, a strong clay, and everything in-between, then what else could you need? How about something that isn't a pomade and exists far off the spectrum of which pomades live within? A texturizing or volumizing spray can help to give your hair a much needed rest day without having to lock yourself indoors due to undone hair. We want to give you options.
The second reason was that we believe there could be so much more to a sea salt spray than just salt and water. After throwing ideas back and forth, we came up with a few ideas on how to help make our spray truly standalone -- a spray you can use on its own. There were two concepts to address: it needs more weight to keep the hair in shape and more complex texture than doesn't rely purely on harsh dryness.
The results are pretty fucking sweet.
It definitely not without its unique set of challenges, and I'm not just talking about formulating this sea salt spray for performance. Actually, I don't think it's super correct to call it a sea salt spray anymore -- whatever. Liquid solutions can be problematic at times. I had to bring back some of my crusty knowledge from organic chemistry as a Stanford freshman and non-NDA regulated learnings from Apple when trying to waterproof the iPhone. A fixed volume of water is like a non-stretch bag because you can only fit so many things in it. What I'm referring to is trying to dissolve things in it. You can very it with temperature and pressure, but at some point, any added components will not mix in. Luckily, we drew a lot from Clayton's first-hand experience working with these goodies, and we slowly dialed in the right ratios.
We're planning to provide you all with a PROPER amount of spray and at a reasonable price. These other labels trying to push $30+ for a small 4 oz. bottle must be out of their minds, and forcing people to be frugal when using a sea salt spray is like providing only 6" plates at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Fully saturate your hair with our spray, and don't feel bad about it. Allow to air dry to really isolate that weight for a nice and dense styling experience. Or use it with a hair dryer to get volume and bring out the texture.
Here are the release details.
If you're in the Brooklyn area, then you are in for one hell of a treat. We've decided to time Emulsified Kaolinite's release with the open house celebration of the Laboratory by O'Douds Apothecary. Rather than wait for our boys over at USPS to deliver your package, you can get your hands on the collaboration immediately (along with any other O'Douds goodies). Plus, you can meet dat boi Clayton.
98 Moore St / Brooklyn, NY.⠀
Saturday, September 15⠀
If you're anywhere else in the world, then you can catch this release online. It will coincide with the opening of the Laboratory. Emulsified Kaolinite will be available on both The Approved List and via the O'Douds Apothecary website. Note that if you need international shipping, then you'll want to buy via O'Douds.